1-to-1 classes help children in Learning Scratch Coding

Coding/ Programming is the future of work.

Learning coding/ programming is different from traditional academic subjects. Over 100+ students have successfully completed our Scratch programming course!


In traditional classrooms, students sit quietly and as attentive as possible in their assigned seats as the teacher just keeps on speaking while spreading the vast knowledge and pieces of information. In such classes, it is just assumed that students’ brains will keep on absorbing information just like sponge. Such practices usually take place in middle and high schools, and students usually find teacher-centred teaching boring and dull.

However, classes are becoming more student-centred than teacher-centred. This means that lessons are not one-sided anymore, now there are collaborations, discussions, exploration of big ideas and hand-on experiences in the classroom, either among students or among teachers and students. If a teacher aims to make their students learn more effectively, communicate the ideas in a better manner and become able to think both creatively and critically, then this shift in teaching methodology is important and a first step for the tutor. This is the model used by TutorBees tutors when they help children learn to code.

TutorBees has a great team of teachers and tutors, who are trained and proficient in taking 1-to-1 student-centred classes. Despite the fact that all classes are online, the students do not find the lessons by their tutors boring or dull. It is mainly because all TutorBees’ tutors work hard and smart to keep their lesson as interactive, interesting and effective as possible. Programming classes at TutorBees are becoming more in demand because of how it’s taught by the respective tutors. It is because tutors from TutorBees use different approaches that help students develop interest in the programming class.

scratch project

Self-Discovery, Creativity

Student-centred classes promote students to figure answers out themselves instead of asking everything from the teacher. Indeed, it is easier and faster to answer and explain everything to the student yourself, but it is not always the best option for the students. TutorBees’ goal is to let students learn and grow with the help of self-discovery. Self-discovery is an important process of learning programming; this is why tutors from TutorBees try prompting and also guide students instead of just telling them the answer or solution. And in a traditional classroom, when a lesson is introduced, students are asked to complete a couple of worksheets or given a quiz to demonstrate their learning process. But at TutorBees’, the teacher introduces a topic to the students and lets them explore it with the help of hand-on tasks and activities related to the programming that can help students with exploration of the topic and also help with thinking creatively and critically. Of course, if there is any issue or problem that a student is not able to overcome, the teacher would guide them there. Once the students are done, they can share their learning and ideas, and answer different questions related to the lesson. Furthermore, during discussions, the tutor and students can together connect all parts and ideas of the lesson. Programming classes involve not only visual but also interactive learning. As a saying goes, “Teaching is telling; told isn’t taught”.

Encouragement and fun learning

Creativity is as important as maths, science and problem solving skills are crucial for programming, as it involves creating and then making things come to life, such as appliances, games etc. Young students are full of curiosity and creativity, hence why programming can become as easy for them as painting or building Legos.

TutorBees are experts in capturing students’ interest and then focusing their creativity into their lessons and it becomes even more efficient for programming classes. Encouragement is mainly required to keep the classes fun, so that students keep on enjoying doing something that they initially found interesting. Different programmers love to solve different problems, and they mostly select their workplace depending on the type of problems they will get to solve there. Always keeping this in mind, TutorBees’ tutors encourage their students to be full of curiosity and problem solving. They push them in learning different ways puzzles can be solved. And a student who likes to solve problems or puzzles will eventually find programming quite fascinating, and even if that student is not interested in programming at the beginning. This is why encouragement and fun learning are a very important part of TutorBees’ Scratch Classes for kids.

Role of a tutor in 1-to-1 (student centred) model

Above mentioned details can easily give an idea how a TutorBees uses student-centred learning to increase students’ motivation and learning procedure. Teachers’ role can be described in three ways; In student-centred classes, teachers are the resources for knowledge and ideas, and students also carry the responsibility to make as much use of that resource. In TutorBees’ classes, students take the lead in communication according to what they did and did not understand. This way they not only take advantage of the teacher’s knowledge and experience, they also learn the vital skill of self-advocacy.

Next, TutorBees realizes the fact that the relationship between a student and the teacher is a crucial part of learning. This is why they are not only adults but trusted mentors that give their students confidence, motivation and leadership skills. This is why TutorBees train their teachers to be a trustworthy and warm teacher that a student can feel comfortable with. Lastly, TutorBees’ teachers not only give lessons but also act as a guide by providing structure and guidance to their students so that they can overcome the challenges they face in and outside their classroom, and also to connect what they learnt in class with their personal goals and interests.

Snippets from real classes

Register your child for Scratch course

The course can be done by any child aged 6 years to 12 years. Course Duration: 6 weeks

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