Beginner Level 2
Course Fee
USD 22
Age Group
6-14 Years
Completion of Beginner Level 1: Beginner level 1 is a foundational course that introduces basic programming concepts and logical thinking.
In today's digital age, teaching kids to code has become a crucial skill. This course is your gateway to the world of programming, introducing the fun and educational Scratch programming language used by MIT. Just like building with blocks, Scratch allows kids to create animations, stories, and games. It's a global favorite, helping millions of young minds learn programming while having a blast. Join us to explore the exciting journey of coding through Scratch! It is not necessary to have any computer programming experience to start this course. Students will not have to memorize and write lines of code. Not only for kids, but this course can also be anyone's gateway to building logic and creating programs. Scratch 3.0 is based on Blockly and consists of visually appealing blocks that interlock to create different activities such as games and animations.
Course Features
Learn programming concepts using block-based programming
Learn to create Games, Animations & Videos
Expand your creative thinking & problem solving skills
Stepping stone to high-level programming languages like Python
Multi-level course to take you from beginner to advanced level
Course Outline
Understanding basic programming concepts: variables, functions, and operators.
User input concept and fixed input concept.
Creating their own character and backgrounds
Using block-based coding to create text stories, voice-over stories, and multicharacter stories. e.g. Red Riding Hood
Concept of Broadcast and signals.
Understanding control structures: conditionals (if-else) and loops (for, while).
Why Should You Enroll in this Course?
By the end of this course, participants will be able to: Create interactive stories, animation and simple games with multiple characters and multiple backgrounds.
Passing marks in Quiz
Submitted all assignments
Final Project completion
90% Attendance
Classes per Week: 2
Duration: 5 weeks
Days/Timing: Teacher will decide with the student