Tutor Profile

Asia K.
Chemistry, Tutor Success Program, How to effectively teach online?
About Asia K.
I am a passionate teacher.I teach chemistry to O and A levels, IGCSE, OCR, and F.Sc and B.Sc Classes. I am also teaching A-level thinking skills. To me, teaching is not only delivering subject-specific knowledge but it is actually setting a pathway for student to reach their best potential by giving them challenges. In today's world role of a teacher has been changed entirely, its age of information, So everything is available and accessible to students through the internet . The teacher's role is to remove barriers from students' brains and hearts to tell them what are they capable of. I believe teachers should have the mastery to listen to the words coming from students to reach and identify their strengths for sorting the right information in this age of information and choices. My journey of teaching is still continuing and I love this journey because it has given me the energy and power to share and find valuable gems which enlighten everything around me.
Tutor Success Program
How to effectively teach online?
Reviews (30)
Skill Exchange Program - How to Find Your Professional Identity by Asia Khawar
It is always beneficial to attend her sessions.
Skill Exchange Program - How to Find Your Professional Identity by Asia Khawar
Ms. Asia is an excellent motivator who gives inspirational lectures to newcomers.
Skill Exchange Program - How to Find Your Professional Identity by Asia Khawar
Knowledgable and Experienced
Skill Exchange Program - 5 Core Values for Great Teachers by Ms. Asia Khawar
very humble